
Learn about how Vale handles different file types, allowing it to selectively target or exclude certain sections of text.

Types, formats, and scopes

Vale is “syntax aware,” which means that it’s capable of both applying rules to and ignoring certain sections of text. This functionality is implemented through a scoping system. A scope is specified through a selector such as paragraph.rst, which indicates that the rule applies to all paragraphs in reStructuredText files.

Here are a few examples:

  • comment matches all source code comments;
  • comment.line matches all source code line comments;
  • matches all Markdown headings; and
  • text.html matches all HTML scopes.

Vale classifies files into one of three types—markup, code, or text—that determine what scopes are available.

Within each type, there can be multiple supported formats—such as Markdown and AsciiDoc under markup. Since each format has access to the same scopes, rules are compatible across all formats within a particular type.


The default behavior for markup files is to apply rules to all non-ignored sections of the file (see Formats for more information). This means that for most rules you don’t need to specify a scope.

For rules that need to target specific sections of the file, you can use the following scopes:

headingMatches all <h{1,...}> tags. You can specify an exact level by appending tags—for example, heading.h1 matches all h1 tags.
table.headerMatches all <th> tags.
table.cellMatches all <td> tags.
table.captionMatches all <caption> tags.
figure.captionMatches all <figcaption> tags.
listMatches all <li> tags.
paragraphMatches all paragraphs (segments of text separated by two newlines).
sentenceMatches all sentences.
blockquoteMatches all <blockquote> tags.
altMatches all alt attributes.
summaryMatches all body text (excluding headings, code spans, code blocks, and table cells). This scope is useful for rules that need to match only sentence-level text content (such as readability scores).
rawUses the raw, unprocessed markup source instead of a specific scope. This scope is useful for regex-based rules that need to match against the original source text.


There are two code scopes: comment.line and comment.block.


Any format not listed below is considered to be text and has no special scoping rules applied.

Multi-scope rules

Rules may define multiple scopes by using a YAML array:

    # h1 OR h2
    - heading.h1
    - heading.h2

Negation & multi-part selectors

Any scope prefaced with “~” is negated:

  # all scopes != h2
  - ~heading.h2

You can chain multiple scopes together using “&”:

  - ~blockquote & ~heading



GitHub-Flavored Markdown support is built in. Vale ignores indented blocks, fenced blocks, and code spans by default.

The supported extensions are .md, .mdown, .markdown, and .markdn.

If you’re using another flavor of Markdown, see non-standard markup for information on how to make your flavor compatible.


HTML5 support is built in. Vale ignores script, style, pre, code, and tt tags by default.

The supported extensions are .html, .htm, .shtml, and .xhtml.


reStructuredText is supported through the external program rst2html. You can get rst2html by installing either Sphinx or docutils.

Vale ignores literal blocks, inline literals, and code-blocks by default. The supported extensions are .rst and .rest.

See Non-standard markup for more information on ignoring other types of markup.


AsciiDoc is supported through the external program Asciidoctor.

Vale ignores listing blocks and inline literals by default. The supported extensions are .adoc, .asciidoc and .asc.

You can customize how asciidoctor is called by passing document attributes:

StylesPath = <...>

# attribute = value
# where 'YES' enables and 'NO' disables.

# enable
experimental = YES

# assign a specific value
attribute-missing = drop

BasedOnStyles = Vale

# normal config ...


DITA is supported through the DITA Open Toolkit. You’ll need to follow the installation instructions, including the optional step of adding the absolute path for the bin directory to the PATH system variable.

Vale ignores <codeblock>, <tt>, and <codeph> elements by default.


XML is supported through the external program xsltproc.

You also need to provide a version 1.0 XSL Transformation (XSLT) for converting to HTML:

Transform = docbook-xsl-snapshot/html/docbook.xsl


Org support is built in. Vale ignores code blocks, literal examples, code strings, and verbatim strings by default.


Vale supports linting source code comments in a number of languages (see the table below). You can assign a markup format to the content of the comments using the format association section:

StylesPath = styles
MinAlertLevel = suggestion

# Rust + Markdown
rs = md

BasedOnStyles = Vale

Once a markup format has been assigned, you can make use of all the supported features of that format (such as ignore patterns and comment-based configuration) in your source code comments.

C.c, .h// (text.comment.line.ext), /*...*/ (text.comment.line.ext), /* (text.comment.block.ext)
C#.cs, .csx// (text.comment.line.ext), /*...*/ (text.comment.line.ext), /* (text.comment.block.ext)
C++.cpp, .cc, .cxx, .hpp// (text.comment.line.ext), /*...*/ (text.comment.line.ext), /* (text.comment.block.ext)
CSS.css/*...*/ (text.comment.line.ext), /* (text.comment.block.ext)
Go.go// (text.comment.line.ext), /*...*/ (text.comment.line.ext), /* (text.comment.block.ext)
Haskell.hs-- (text.comment.line.ext), {- (text.comment.block.ext), .bsh// (text.comment.line.ext), /*...*/ (text.comment.line.ext), /* (text.comment.block.ext)
JavaScript.js// (text.comment.line.ext), /*...*/ (text.comment.line.ext), /* (text.comment.block.ext)
Julia.jl# (text.comment.line.ext), "..." (text.comment.line.ext) #= (text.comment.block.ext), """ (text.comment.block.ext)
LESS.less// (text.comment.line.ext), /*...*/ (text.comment.line.ext), /* (text.comment.block.ext)
Lua.lua-- (text.comment.line.ext), --[[ (text.comment.block.ext), .pm, .pod# (text.comment.line.ext)
PHP.php// (text.comment.line.ext), # (text.comment.line.ext), /*...*/ (text.comment.line.ext), /* (text.comment.block.ext)
PowerShell.ps1# (text.comment.line.ext), <#...#> (text.comment.line.ext), <# (text.comment.block.ext)
Protobuf.proto// (text.comment.line.ext), /*...*/ (text.comment.line.ext), /* (text.comment.block.ext), .py3, .pyw, .pyi, rpy# (text.comment.line.ext), """ (text.comment.block.ext)
R.r, .R# (text.comment.line.ext)
Ruby.rb# (text.comment.line.ext), ^=begin (text.comment.block.ext) (text.comment.line.ext)
Sass.sass// (text.comment.line.ext), /*...*/ (text.comment.line.ext), /* (text.comment.block.ext)
Scala.scala, .sbt// (text.comment.line.ext)
Swift.swift// (text.comment.line.ext), /*...*/ (text.comment.line.ext), /* (text.comment.block.ext)
TypeScript.ts, .tsx// (text.comment.line.ext), /*...*/ (text.comment.line.ext), /* (text.comment.block.ext)

Non-standard markup

When working with non-HTML markup, you’ll probably find that there are certain non-standard sections of text you’d like to ignore. This is possible using BlockIgnores and TokenIgnores. Some examples:

To ignore entire blocks of text, you’ll want to define BlockIgnores. Consider the following shortcode-like file snippet:

{< file "hello.go" go >}
package main

func main() {
    fmt.Printf("hello, world\n")
{</ file >}

To ignore all instances of file, we’d use a pattern along the lines of the following:

BlockIgnores = (?s) *({< file [^>]* >}.*?{</ ?file >})

To ignore an inline section of text you’ll want to define TokenIgnores. Let’s say we want to ignore math equations of the form $...$, that look something like:

$\begin{bmatrix} k & k & k \end{bmatrix}^T$

To ignore all instances of math equations, we’d use a pattern along the lines of the following:

TokenIgnores = (\$+[^\n$]+\$+)

To ignore directive blocks use BlockIgnores. For example, ignoring .. math:: directives:

BlockIgnores = (?s) *(\.\. math::)

To ignore inline roles use TokenIgnores. For example, ignoring :math: roles:

TokenIgnores = (:math:`.*`)