

Learn about the spelling extension point.

customboolTurn off the default filters for acronyms, abbreviations, and numbers.
filtersarrayAn array of patterns to ignore during spell checking.
ignorestringA relative path (from StylesPath) to a file consisting of one word per line to ignore.
dicpathstringThe location to look for .dic and .aff files.
dictionariesarrayAn array of dictionaries to load.
appendboolAdds the array of dictionaries after the default Vale dictionary, instead of replacing it.

spelling implements spell checking based on Hunspell-compatible dictionaries.

# Uses the built-in dictionary and filters. extends: spelling message: "Did you really mean '%s'?" level: error

By default, spelling includes a custom, open-source dictionary for American English.


You may instead use the dictionaries key to list multiple custom dictionaries:

extends: spelling message: "'%s' is a typo!" dictionaries: - en_US - en_medical

The spelling extension point will look for en_US.{dic,aff} and en_medical.{dic,aff} files in $StylesPath/config/dictionaries.

You can also use the DICPATH environment variable or the dicpath key.


Vale comes with a set of built-in filters, as described in the table below:

[A-Z]{1}[a-z]+[A-Z]+\w+Mixed-cased words (such as “MongoDB”).
[^a-zA-Z_']Words containing non-word tokens (such as numbers).
[A-Z]+$Upper-cased words.

You can also choose define you own filters either with or without the built-in ones enabled:

extends: spelling message: "Did you really mean '%s'?" level: error # This disables the built-in filters. If you omit this # key or set it to false, custom filters (see below) are # added on top of the built-in ones. custom: true # A "filter" is a regular expression specifying words # to ignore during spell checking. filters: # Ignore all words starting with 'py'. # # e.g., 'PyYAML'. - '[pP]y.*'

Ignore files

Ignore files are plain-text files that list words to be ignored during spell check (one case-insensitive entry per line) . For example,

destructuring transpiler

You can name these files anything you’d like and reference them relative to the active $StylesPath/config/ignore directory.

extends: spelling message: "Did you really mean '%s'?" level: error ignore: - ignore1.txt - ignore2.txt

See Vocabularies for information on rule-agnostic terminology lists.