

Learn about Vale's output templates.

By default, Vale includes support for three output styles: line, JSON, and CLI (the default). You can specify which style to use via the --output flag:

$ vale --output=line

In addition to the three provided output styles, Vale also supports custom output styles powered by Go’s text/template package.

To use a custom format, pass the path to a template file through the --output option:

$ vale --output='template.tmpl'

Where template.tmpl is a file that contains a valid Go template stored in the <StylesPath>/config/templates directory.


Templates have access to the following data structures:

type ProcessedFile struct { Alerts []core.Alert Path string } type Data struct { Files []ProcessedFile LintedTotal int }

Where core.Alert has the same information as Vale’s --output=JSON object.

Templates can also access the following functions:

redstringReturns the given string with an ANSI-formatted red foreground color.
bluestringReturns the given string with an ANSI-formatted blue foreground color.
yellowstringReturns the given string with an ANSI-formatted yellow foreground color.
underlinestringReturns the given string with an ANSI-formatted underline.
newTableboolCreates a new tablewriter struct. newTable accepts one boolean value representing SetAutoWrapText.
addRow[]stringAppends the given row to a table.
renderTableTablePrints the table-formatted output to stdout.
jsonEscapestringEnsure the given STRING is valid JSON.

See the Sprig Function Documentation for the full list.


The following example re-implements Vale’s default output style using a template.

{{- /* Keep track of our various counts */ -}} {{- $e := 0 -}} {{- $w := 0 -}} {{- $s := 0 -}} {{- $f := 0 -}} {{- /* Range over the linted files */ -}} {{- range .Files}} {{$table := newTable true}} {{- $f = add1 $f -}} {{- .Path | underline | indent 1 -}} {{- /* Range over the file's alerts */ -}} {{- range .Alerts -}} {{- $error := "" -}} {{- if eq .Severity "error" -}} {{- $error = .Severity | red -}} {{- $e = add1 $e -}} {{- else if eq .Severity "warning" -}} {{- $error = .Severity | yellow -}} {{- $w = add1 $w -}} {{- else -}} {{- $error = .Severity | blue -}} {{- $s = add1 $s -}} {{- end}} {{- $loc := printf "%d:%d" .Line (index .Span 0) -}} {{- $row := list $loc $error .Message .Check | toStrings -}} {{- $table = addRow $table $row -}} {{end -}} {{- $table = renderTable $table -}} {{end}} {{- $e}} {{"errors" | red}}, {{$w}} {{"warnings" | yellow}} and {{$s}} {{"suggestions" | blue}} in {{$f}} {{$f | int | plural "file" "files"}}.