

Learn about the Vale command-line interface.

The Vale CLI is a powerful tool for linting your content in a variety of formats. To get started, try running with no arguments:

Vale's help text

Environment variables

The following list of environment variables are supported by the vale command-line interface:

Variable Description
VALE_CONFIG_PATH Override the default search process by specifying a .vale.ini file.
VALE_STYLES_PATH Specify the location of the default StylesPath.

You can inspect the current environment variables by running:

$ vale ls-vars

The exact steps for setting environment variables depend on your operating system, but here are some useful links for Windows and macOS.

CLI options

Name Description
sync Download and install packages. See Packages for more information.
$ vale sync
ls-config Print the current configuration options as JSON.
$ vale ls-config
ls-metrics Print the computed metrics for the given file. See metric for more information.
$ vale ls-metrics path/to/file
ls-dirs Print the location of default configuration directories.
$ vale ls-dirs
ls-vars Print the supported environment variables.
$ vale ls-vars
--config Override the default configuration search process.
$ vale --config='path/to/.vale.ini'
--ext Assign a file extension to stdin.
$ echo "*This* is Markdown" | vale --ext='.md'
--filter An expression to filter rules by. See Filters for more information.
$ vale --filter='"heading" in .Scope'
--glob A glob pattern to match files against. See Globbing for more information.
$ vale --glob='*.md' some-dir
--ignore-syntax Treat all input as plain text.
$ vale --ignore-syntax
--no-exit Do not return a non-zero exit code if there are errors.
$ vale --no-exit
--no-wrap Do not wrap output.
$ vale --no-wrap
--no-global Do not load the global configuration.
$ vale --no-global
--output Change the output format. See Templates for more information.
$ vale --output=JSON
--version Print the version of Vale.
$ vale --version

Return codes

The vale CLI returns the following exit codes:

Code Description
0 No error(s) were found.
1 Linting error(s) were found. Useful for failing CI builds; can be disabled with --no-exit.
2 Runtime error(s) occurred.

It will try to respect the value of --output when printing to stderr. For example:

Vale's exit codes